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Going deeper together

Northgate Community Church is a big believer in connect and small groups.
Why? Because we believe God designed you for community. So if you want to grow in your relationship with Jesus and
form real and lasting relationships with people who have the same goal they help so much with that.

In a small group there are typically eight to twelve adults who meet regularly to pursue spiritual growth and healthy relationships.
You’ll be encouraged to live out the truths you discover in the Bible, as you encourage others to do the same.

For more information fill out the form or ring the church office.

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Thanks for contacting us at Northgate. We will be in touch with you soon. If your message is urgent, please give us a call on 07 854 1453.

Apply online

Studies that can take you deeper

Life Shared Small Group Series

The Life Shared Series is a three-part series designed to encourage and equip everyone in the church to share their faith. 

Through Biblical teaching from leading Christian voices and real stories of invitation, each session explores what it means to live out God’s call to share our lives and our faith with friends, colleagues, and neighbours.

It has been designed to spark conversation, prayer, and action leading up to an Alpha launch or a moment of invitation in our church (e.g. Christmas/Easter services).