Click here for upcoming events

Mainly Music

Weekly sessions are full of songs and rhymes, actions, and movement, designed to engage you and your child. Not only will your tamariki/little ones be delighted by the one-to-one
attention you give, but you’ll love the way they respond and develop.

Every Monday. Door opens at 9:30.
Program starts at 10am.

Next meeting on
11th of April

Mancave-Toolbox is a regular event
that any man is welcome to attend.

Somewhere that men can make connections with other guys. A place where men can do guy stuff and have fun together.

A relaxed space where men can swap life stories and pick up wisdom from each other.

Our Café is a place for
older members of our community to...


We have a short programme
of interest.

First and third Tuesdays of each
month at 10am.